We all know how vital independent media has been in the last several years to counter the distortions from mainstream media (MSM). MSM isn’t just in the big cities; it has a local presence too in our hometown and Spokane print newspapers and television news. Thankfully, North Idaho has a cadre of local, independent journalists who are shining a light on the truth.
We conservatives believe in meritocracy. So, as consumers of valuable independent media, it's incumbent upon us to support these journalists for their good work and therefore enable them to continue to bring us the truth. Casey Whalen is one of those independent journalists and as such, he relies on contributions from the public as his income. Please consider supporting Casey and following his work.
Below is a message from Casey about his current areas of investigative reporting:
Casey Whalen here. What an extremely interesting time to be alive. The last five years have been unbelievable and there is no end to the potential stories out there. Over the last few years, I have embedded myself in West Bonner to expose issues in the school district and the board of trustees and Benewah Counties regarding corruption within the sheriff's dept, outside of the usual venue of Kootenai County. I have found that by doing that I am way more effective to be in the area when developing stories.
God has put it in my heart to help people with my unique skill set, I now find myself currently working out of the Boise area, and some exciting things are on the way.
For instance, after recently exposing the Boise Library system, only four books were challenged (two of which were biblical) to be removed from the children's section under the recently passed Children's School and Library Protection Act. Luckily, this board has some common sense and unanimously voted in favor of keeping biblically themed books in the children's section. Full story here: https://caseywhalen.substack.com/p/a-new-tactic-to-ban-the-bible-attempted. The underlying story is that books are not being challenged in the Boise area, and leftists are using this very tactic to remove biblically themed books for children.
There will be a follow-up conducted in the Boise area to shine a light on this issue and show people how to successfully challenge and remove books from the children's section with other local freedom fighters. Stay tuned.
I am also working on exposing connections in Boise between human rights networks and public city/county entities and the few record requests received thus far are interesting. I plan to continue to pursue avenues where corruption lives and expose it. The goal I believe is to recruit more independent journalists. There are a lot of freedom fighters and independent journalists up North and this place (Boise) needs a bit of TLC.
Another focus is obviously the Capitol and the current legislative session - another aspect of research and news. Things are planned in that realm also.
This is my full-time job. I have sacrificed a large portion of my personal life to do what I believe the Lord wants me to do. Who am I to argue? Praise God! I really need your assistance to continue doing this. I am looking for a few angel investors to help. This doesn't necessarily mean large investments but a regular revenue stream to operate would be extremely helpful, allowing me to be more effective and focus on additional stories.
If you wish to help me continue exposing corruption, please gift here:
CashApp / Vemmo: NorthIdahoExposed
Paypal: NorthIdaho
Or check or money orders to:
Casey Whalen
2316 North Justin Way
Meridian, Idaho 83646
If you wish to be an angel investor, please contact me directly.
Casey Whalen
Investigative Journalist / Videographer
Cell: 208.691.5287
Proprietor of North Idaho Exposed
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