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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the laws that allow/disallow sexually-explicit materials for minors?


In 1972, Idaho’s legislators clearly codified what’s defined as “obscene materials” regarding minors:  LINK

Federal laws were enacted in 2000 and state laws have been enacted to protect minors from obscenity on library computers which were upheld by SCOTUS in 2003.


The U.S. Supreme Court has made it clear there is compelling interest in protecting minors from harmful materials.

Minors certainly have constitutional rights, but their rights are different from adults.  There is no constitutional reason that community libraries cannot take reasonable steps to prevent minors from accessing harmful materials.  A library policy can be crafted to protect minors without infringing on the constitutional rights of adults.

Miller Test (1973) to determine whether materials are “obscene”:

(1) whether the average person applying contemporary community standards would find the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest;

(2) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law; and

(3) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value


According to SCOTUS, applying community standards allows for different local values and that communities ought to be able to self-determine according to their local values.  Therefore, even though libraries have a legal defense that exempts them from Idaho’s minor obscenity laws (18-1517), there is no reason an elected library board cannot decide to honor the obscenity statute and ignore the exemption. 


Movies and online games have ratings regarding sexual content.  Additionally, minors are prohibited by law from all of the following (although various ages apply within various states):  purchasing cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol and firearms, signing a contract, getting a tattoo, renting a hotel room or car, voting, entering an NC-17 movie, gambling and joining the military.  So, there is legal precedent for restricting access according to age-appropriateness.  This is not censorship.

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What’s the big deal anyway since kids know about sex?

Kids need to be ready to understand what they’re reading for this type of subject matter.  According to the American College of Pediatricians, if kids are exposed to sexually-explicit materials before they’re mentally able to understand this complex and nuanced subject, there can be very serious consequences. LINK


Isn't CLN's minor card policy sufficient?

Facts about CLN’s "minor's library card" policy:

  1. CLN's trustees voted in this new policy on the day before the election filing deadline wherein two trustees were running for re-election.  In fact, it had NOT yet been "enacted" or "implemented" as the Meyer & McCrea election campaign claimed;


Minutes from the March 16, 2023 Trustee mtg:

McCrea moved to adopt the Library Cards for Minors Policy dated March 16, 2023, with a target implementation date for the Children’s card July 1, 2023, and the Teen card by January 1, 2024 (p. 4 of this LINK).


   2.  Contains NO provisions for reclassifying sexually-explicit materials

   3.  Continues to allow access to sexually-explicit materials to minors age 12 and up (for examples, visit:  CleanBooks4Kids

   4.  May cause parents to be more trusting and LESS LIKELY to screen their children's selections

   5.  Contains NO provisions for defining what is "age appropriate" for each category of cards

   6.  Has an upper age limit of 15, whereas the legal definition of “minor” is under 18  Source

Have the CLN & CDA library trustees done enough to protect kids?

As of June 2024, the CLN & CDA trustees revised their respective materials for minors' policies:  CLN    CDA

However, in CDA, any minor can check out any book from any section - including the Adult sections.  In CLN, any minor who doesn't have a restricted card can access any material from any section - including the Adult sections. 

Does CleanBooks4Kids want to ban certain kids’ books?

The “Books to Avoid" list curated by CleanBooks4Kids is solely intended as an information source for parents regarding the books’ subject matter.  The booklist has this stated purpose boldly identified on the top of the list.  LINK

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Former CLN trustees Meyer & McCrea campaigned they would “protect our children.”  So, why did voters reject them?

Concerned citizens tried for many months in late 2021 throughout 2022 to get the Community Library Network board to listen and enact changes regarding sexually-explicit books for minors.  Dozens of excerpts of these books were read aloud to the board by concerned citizens.  Despite that, the majority of the library board, including incumbent trustees Regina McCrea & Judy Meyer, declined to act.  In fact, these two trustees asserted - even as late as May 2023 - that there’s “no obscenity in the CLN libraries.” WATCH

CLN's minor card policy needs further reconsideration because it does not thoroughly solve this issue.

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DISCLAIMER:  The posting, display or other use of excerpts or images is not intended to disparage, diminish, taint, injure or otherwise infringe upon the rights or value thereof of any copyright or trademark owner or holder but is simply meant to inform and educate the public about the presence of sexually explicit books and materials in libraries that may offend community standards of obscenity and pornography. To the extent is alleged or claimed that the rights of any copyright or trademark owner or holder has been infringed upon, it is intended that the alleged infringers will defend and rely upon Fair Use principles and any and all applicable Domestic or International laws, rules or treaties and the Copy Rights act of 1909 and 1976 as amended and related provisions and relevant Trademark laws. 

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