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What Can Be Done?

Separate & Not Equal
The Coeur d'Alene library
and the
Community Library Network (CLN)
completely separate entities.
However, patrons from either can use CDA
or any library within CLN.
But their operations, management, boards,
taxation and funding are completely separate.
Another BIG difference:
CLN board members are elected;
CDA board members are appointed by
CDA's mayor and city council.
Library Board Trustees & their staff
work for you!
Attend library board meetings and/or
contact the trustees & staff that
sexually-explicit materials for minors are
Coeur d'Alene Library:
CDA library director: Elizabeth Westenburg
Who determines teen book purchases?
CDA teen librarian: Angela Flock
Community Library Network:
CLN director: Martin Walters
Who determines CLN teen book purchases:
Collection Development Librarian:
Kari Wilson

Request School & Library Compliance
Continual vigilance is needed to verify that libraries are complying with the law.
Which books violate this law? For an updated list, email
What then?
File a reconsideration request with the school or library.
How to do that?
It's easy. Each of the Kootenai County public library & school library book reconsideration policies, forms and sample completed forms are conveniently available via one document. To receive this document, simply email
So ... Which Books Are Ok?

Use these lists as resources for what to seek
what to avoid.
New suggestions always welcome!
Submit titles to:

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