On Monday 1/15 @ 8AM Pacific, a new Idaho House bill HB384, which addresses the issue of sexually explicit materials in the minor sections of Idaho's libraries will be heard by the House State Affairs committee. Bill text: Https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/H0384.pdf Consider giving a public comment in person, or online via the link posted below. Choose "phone," "remote or virtual," or "in person," and follow the instructions.
If you can't give public comment, but want ask the committee to support the bill, click the link below. Choose "for or against (No written testimony and will not be testifying before the committee)." Then it will open a new page. BE SURE TO CLICK "FOR," and follow the instructions on the page.
Public comment is limited to 2 minutes. It's proper to begin with "Thank you Chairman and committee members." It's easy and important to make your voice heard. Https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/H0384.pdf